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Movement Traces: Indian-Chinese Musical Crossings

Bangalore International Centre

Cultural exchange and experimentation in music across the borders of east and south Asia date back to the time of Tang Dynasty in seventh century China. Encounters in medieval port cities generated conversations in and of music. These relations in history however are hard to trace today. In the absence of a shared language can […]

Saath-Saath Album Preview 2021

Hanart TZ Gallery 2/F, Mai On Industrial Building, 19 Kung Yip Street, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong

「萨赫特‧萨赫特」项目的首张专辑将于十一月面世,由美国PARMA Recordings出版。这项跨文化交流计划汇聚来自中港及印度的音乐家、创作人及学者,旨在促进这两大亚洲文明古国之间的创意对话,并启发耳目一新的音乐实验。 专辑预览会将于4月24日(星期六)于汉雅軒举行,让香港观众先睹为快。同场亦将放映由知名印度导演Surabhi Sharma所执导的同名纪录片选辑。 “The Saath-Saath Project” announces the release of its debut album in November 2021 from PARMA Recordings. This project involves a series of cross-cultural collaborations between musicians, composers and scholars, aimed at forging creative dialogue and experimentation around musical practices in China and India – the two Asian neighbours with cultural ties […]

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